Although age and activity level can affect your heart rate, there are some “normal” parameters.
As an explanation, your resting heart rate is when your heart pumps the minimum amount of blood that your body needs because it is at rest.
A person’s heart rate can become dangerous if it is too high or too low. However, many factors can affect when a heart rate is dangerous.
The heart rate changes throughout the day to adapt to the demands of the body. It is highest during times of intense activity and lowest when a person relaxes or sleeps.
The heart rate also changes during pregnancy, fever, and times of anxiety.
Identifying a person’s usual heart rate pattern can help her understand what a dangerous heart rate is for her personally.

Pr Bpm Normal Range
The term PRBPM refers to pulse rate (PR) and beats per minute (BPM) and the serious question is what PR and BPM mean on a pulse oximeter.
The term PR-BPM is just the abbreviation or another way of saying it. The correct question would be, what is the pulse rate in beats per minute? and Why is a good resting heart rate important?
It is important to know what your heart rate is healthy and normal at all ages of your life. Your heart rate, or pulse, can guide you in discovering dangerous health conditions that require expert care, such as some heart problems. But your normal resting heart rate changes throughout your life as you age. Read this guide to learn more about your pulse at every step of your life.
Normal heart rate by age
A healthy heart does not beat as regularly as a clock. Speed up and slow down to accommodate your changing oxygen needs as your activities vary throughout the day. What is a “normal” heart rate varies from person to person. However, an unusually high resting heart rate or a low maximum heart rate can mean an increased risk of heart attack.
One simple thing people can do is monitor their resting heart rate. It is quite easy to do and having the information can help in the future. It’s a good idea to take your pulse every now and then to get a sense of what’s normal for you and to identify unusual changes in rhythm or regularity that may require medical attention.
Age | Average maximum heart rate in BPM | Target heart rate in BPM |
40 | 180 | 90 to 153 |
45 | 175 | 88 to 149 |
50 | 170 | 85 to 145 |
55 | 165 | 83 to 140 |
60 | 160 | 80 to 136 |
65 | 155 | 78 to 132 |
70 | 150 | 75 to 128 |
What causes high pulse rate?
Common causes of high pulse rate include:
Heart-related conditions such as high blood pressure, the poor blood supply to the heart muscle due to coronary artery disease, heart valve disease, heart failure, heart muscle disease, tumors, or infections.
Other medical conditions such as thyroid disease, certain lung diseases, electrolyte imbalance, and alcohol or drug abuse. Emotional stress or drinking large amounts of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages
You may be ecstatic that you finally got your blood pressure lowered, only to notice your heart seems to be racing, all the time. So what gives when you successfully hit the magic number of <120/<80 mm, but your heart rate remains high? Heart rhythm specialist, says sometimes this is normal and sometimes it’s not.
When is this combo not a big deal?
Sometimes blood pressure and high heart rate occur momentarily.
However, that phenomenon is short-lived. When the heart rate stays consistently high while blood pressure is low, there may be something problematic going on.

What is PRBPM in Pulse Oximeter?
The term PRBPM refers to pulse rate (PR) and beats per minute (BPM) and the serious question is what PR and BPM mean on a pulse oximeter.

SpO2 normal range by age Chart
This reading chart provides guidance on what oxygen level means and when and how to seek medical help.

What is a dangerous heart rate for adults?
Your pulse rate, also known as your heart rate, is the number of times your heart beats per minute. A normal resting heart rate should be between 60 to 100 beats per minute, but it can vary from minute to minute.

Heart Rate and Oxygen Level Chart
The purpose is to examine how the patient’s heart rate and oxygen saturation change and then processed and displayed them in charts.