SpO2, also known as oxygen saturation, is a measure of the amount of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in the blood relative to the amount of hemoglobin not carrying oxygen. What are Spo2 normal values?
The body needs there to be a certain level of oxygen in the blood or it will not function as efficiently.
Human beings depend on oxygen for life. All organs require oxygen for metabolism but the brain and heart are particularly sensitive to a lack of oxygen.
Oxygen saturation levels below 95% are considered abnormal, and the brain may be affected when SpO2 levels drop below 80 to 85 percent. So what are normal Spo2 values?

SpO2 normal range
Normal pulse oximeter readings typically range from 95 to 100 percent. Values below 90 percent are considered low and indicate the need for supplemental oxygen. This condition is often referred to as hypoxemia, and its symptoms include severe shortness of breath, increased heart rate, and chest pain.
For people with chronic lung conditions and other breathing problems, the “normal” SpO2 range of 95% to 100% does not apply.
These individuals should always consult with their physician for information on acceptable oxygen levels for their unique health condition.
With that said, here are some general guidelines on normal SpO2 values for people with acute respiratory problems and chronic illnesses:
In a patient with acute respiratory illness or difficulty breathing, an SpO2 of 92% or less may indicate the need for supplemental oxygen.
In a patient with stable chronic disease, an SpO2 of 92% or less should prompt referral for further investigation of the need for long-term oxygen therapy.

Blood oxygen level normal range
Why is it important to have my blood oxygen level checked?
If you have a lung disease, your blood oxygen level may be lower than normal. This is important to know because when your oxygen level is low, the cells in your body can have a hard time working properly.
Oxygen is the “gas” that makes your body “go,” and if you are low on “gas,” your body does not run smoothly. Having a very low blood oxygen level also can put a strain on your heart and brain.
Most people need an oxygen saturation level of at least 90% to keep their cells healthy.
Having an oxygen level lower than this for a short time is not believed to cause damage. However, your cells can be strained or damaged if low oxygen levels happen many times.
If your oxygen level is low on room air, you may be asked to use supplemental (extra) oxygen.
The oximeter can be used to help see how much oxygen you need and when you may need it. For example, some people need more oxygen when asleep than when awake.
Some need more oxygen with activity than when at rest.
Spo2 Normal Values
When should I seek medical help?
This table provides guidance on what the oxygen level number means and when and how to seek medical help.
Oxygen Level | Guidance |
90% or less | This oxygen level is very concerning and may indicate a severe medical problem. You may need an urgent x-ray or heart test. |
91% to 94% | This oxygen level is concerning and may indicate a medical problem. Call your health care provider immediately. |
91% to 94% | This oxygen level is normal. Walk around for two minutes and measure your oxygen level again. If your oxygen level falls below 95%, follow the instructions above. |
SpO2, also known as oxygen saturation, is a measure of the amount of oxygen-carrying hemoglobin in the blood relative to the amount of hemoglobin not carrying oxygen.
The perfusion index (PI) derived from a pulse oximeter is calculated as the ratio of the pulsatile blood flow to the non-pulsatile blood in peripheral tissue and can be measured non-invasively. PI can be used to assess peripheral perfusion dynamics due to changes in peripheral vascular tone.
Oxygen saturation, or “O2 sats,” indicates the amount of oxygen traveling through your body with your red blood cells. Normal oxygen saturation is usually between 95% and 100% for most healthy adults.

Fluctuating Spo2 Levels
Why is my SpO2 reading on the pulse oximeter fluctuating between 90 and 95? Is normal?

What is Normal Spo2 and pr bpm?
what is Normal Spo2 and pr bpm?

SpO2 normal range by age Chart
This reading chart provides guidance on what oxygen level means and when and how to seek medical help.

Perfusion Index normal range chart
The perfusion index (PI) is the ratio between the flow of non-pulsatile and pulsatile blood through capillary tissue peripheral.