If your oxygen saturation is 80% while lying down, you should definitely see your primary care provider. Also, since you have the ability to check your oxygen saturation at home, I’m guessing you have other health issues.
When you have difficulty breathing while lying down, you begin to think of pulmonary edema (fluid in the alveoli)
This results in fluid spreading throughout the lung field while lying down, blocking gas exchange.
Sitting allows gravity to collect fluid in the lower part near your diaphragm and allows you to breathe more easily. Many times these conditions are of cardiac origin, but there are other times that they do not have it. Either way, you need to see a doctor.

What are normal oxygen levels during sleep?
Everyone’s blood oxygen levels are lower during sleep, due to a slightly reduced level of breathing. Also, some alveoli stop being used during sleep.
If your waking oxygen saturation is greater than 94 percent on room air, it’s unlikely that your sleeping saturation will drop below 88 percent while lying down.
However, your doctor may order an overnight oximetry test if you have concerns about your oxygen saturation levels while you sleep.
What does high oxygen variation during sleep mean?
Low variations in estimated oxygen saturation levels are typical.
Frequent high variations in estimated oxygen may indicate that you are experiencing sleep-disordered breathing.
Breathing disorders can cause higher than expected variations in blood oxygen levels, which may indicate that your body is not getting enough oxygen while you sleep.
If you frequently notice large variations, consider talking to your doctor, especially if you experience symptoms such as excessive tiredness, loud snoring, or wheezing during sleep.
Other factors, including the position of your arm and certain physical characteristics, can affect your oxygen readings.

Do Oxygen Levels Decrease when Lying down?
Your doctor may order an overnight oximetry test if you have concerns about your oxygen saturation levels while you sleep.

Why does my oxygen level drop when I lay down?
The use of medical devices such as pulse oximeters has increased dramatically in recent years. Brands, questions, and more.

What happens when your Oxygen Level drops to 70?
If you have wondered: How to restore oxygen levels in patients?

Normal oxygen saturation by age
Human beings depend on oxygen for life. All organs require oxygen for metabolism but the brain and heart are particularly sensitive to a lack of oxygen.

Average Oxygen Level
What are average readings? A normal oxygen level is usually 95% or more.

Shortness of Breath while Lying Down
One type of shortness of breath while lying down is dyspnea, dyspnea is a feeling of shortness of breath.