Of course, the best thermometer for you depends on how you prefer to take temperatures. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends rectal readings for infants under 3 months of age — this is also the most accurate method for kids up to age 3.
Older children and adults may prefer ear or forehead thermometers, though they can also get good readings from basic digital stick thermometers that take temperatures orally.

Most accurate thermometer
Above all else, a thermometer’s sole job is to accurately assess and display someone’s temperature.
Though it sounds quite basic, fluctuations of even one or two degrees can spell the difference between finding out someone has a fever and thinking they’re just running a little warm.
Accuracy is everything with thermometers, so this was the most important feature we assessed.
Thermometer for humans
The ability to quickly and accurately determine a person’s body temperature is an important factor in assessing their condition during an illness, after an injury, or in the event of exposure to inclement conditions.
Whether you’re dealing with a temperamental toddler, a nonresponsive accident victim, or anyone in between, when you’re trying to determine what’s wrong with a person and to gauge the severity of the issue, a thermometer is a big component in the diagnostic process.
Thermometer for fever
Thanks to modern thermometers, getting a temperature reading is remarkably easy and safe. Gone are the days of sticking a mercury thermometer under the tongue and waiting for five minutes, and then trying in vain to read the temperature of where the rising red liquid leveled off — which is always an approximate, but never precise. It’s even possible to check your temperature if you don’t have access to a thermometer, too.
Thermometer for adults
Tympanic Thermometer: This type of thermometer measures the temperature inside of the ear by reading the infrared heat there. For best results, make sure to follow the instructions on the device about placing the tip correctly.
For older babies and children, ear thermometers can be quicker and easier to use. However, they are not recommended if your baby is three months old or younger. They should not be used if your child has too much earwax, or if they have an earache.
Research has shown that, when used correctly, infrared or non-contact thermometers are just as accurate as oral or rectal thermometers. No-contact thermometers are popular among pediatricians, as kids often squirm around when trying to get a temperature read. The device offers safety to both parties while providing a quick and accurate read.
Infrared thermometers allow a person’s temperature to be taken with minimal or no contact with the person.
This means the temperature can be measured without the discomfort of having to sit still with a thermometer in the mouth, or armpit long enough to obtain a correct temperature reading.
Fever in adults when to worry
Call your doctor immediately if you have a high-grade fever when your temperature is 103°F (39.4°C) or higher. Get medical help if you have any kind of fever for more than three days. Let your doctor know if your symptoms get worse or if you have any new symptoms.
If you have serious fever symptoms, let your doctor know if you have recently traveled to a different country or attended an event that had a lot of people. This may help your doctor find out the cause.
Some adults may have a higher risk of getting a fever. If you have a chronic health condition or have been treated for a severe illness, you may be more likely to get a serious fever.
Fever in adults is usually not harmful on its own. It is a sign that your body is dealing with an infection or other illness. In some cases, a high or long-lasting fever can be a sign of a serious illness. You may need urgent medical treatment.
Do not ignore a fever. Get plenty of rest and fluids to help your body heal. See your doctor if you have a fever that lasts longer than 3 days or if you have other severe symptoms.
If you have a chronic condition or have been treated for a serious illness, let your doctor know if you have any kind of fever.

Medical Grade Thermometer
As people plan to get back into a rut, many are considering buying technologies that can detect elevated temperatures. While it is not guaranteed that it can be determined if someone has an infection, temperature detection has its benefits.

How to check accuracy of infrared thermometer?
To test the accuracy of an infrared thermometer requires access to a stable surface of known temperature. Body temperature is an indication to express the health condition or pathological state.