Hand Pallet jack: manual and electric; parts of a skid steer, use, and maintenance manual; stainless steel, low skate; parts and types.
It is a mechanism that is used to easily move platforms with objects. They are manufactured in different sizes and materials, for example, nylon, polyurethane or neoprene.
They bear loads from 1 to 5 tons. These mechanisms, save you time and money, with its three wheels and its lever, helps the movement of objects is fast and efficient.

What is a pallet jack?
Hydraulic skids, loading skids, hand pallet jacks or also called hydraulic trucks are used to perform various tasks related to the handling of merchandise in warehouses, such as loading, unloading and moving from one area to another and “picking” operations. of orders).
Use of hand pallet jack
Why use cargo skids?
The hydraulic skids or load skids are essential in cargo handling due to their simplicity and efficiency in their operation. They save considerable time when moving large volumes of goods in a few movements, thus protecting the worker, making the load slide with little effort.

How does pallet jack work?
Why choose hydraulic skids?
The hydraulic skids have forks of robust construction with channels of treated steel type “C”, reinforcements along these, and a reinforced push bar, making the equipment is a hydraulic truck construction ideal for heavy-duty work.
Its three-position handle allows you to operate them quickly and easily.
They have a leak-proof galvanized hydraulic pump that maximizes its efficiency.
Lubrication fittings at key points allow smooth handling at all times.
In the theme of the tires, the skates can have polyurethane wheels, for smooth and/or epoxy floors, or nylamid, for battered or cracked surfaces.
The configuration of the load wheels can be simple (a single wheel), or tandem (two wheels), which allows the skate does not to get stuck.

Other names
In the various Spanish-speaking countries it is called in many different ways:
- Pallet Jack: United States
- Manual forklift: Spain
- Traspaleta: Spain
- Pallet truck: Spain, Chile
- Platform skate: Mexico
Pallet jack parts
- Parts of a hydraulic skate
- Brake
- Levitation mechanism
- pallet jack Wheels
- Forks
- Turning mechanism
- Parts of an electric skate
- Electronic controllers
- Electric motor
- Drive wheels
- Batteries and connections

Types of pallet jacks
The range of hydraulic skids is wide to meet each of the needs of different sectors of the industry, from skids
- STANDARD: Hydraulic 3 ton skid; which is used to easily move platforms with objects.
- ANGOSTOS SKATES: of 3 tons; They have the ideal width to transport narrow European-type pallets, commonly used in the publishing, paper and grocery industries.
- MINI: Hydraulic 3-tonne skid; can be used in small places in your company, the ideal to maneuver inside a truck or container box, and commonly used in printing pallets.
- WITH BRAKE: Of 3 tons; Its brake system applied to the steering wheels allows the equipment to be used on surfaces with a slope or inclined ramp and can be handled with greater safety.
- STAINLESS STEEL: Hydraulic 2-tonne skid; Its stainless steel structure allows it to be used in the handling of meats, marine products, wines, beverages, chemical products, etc. This skate can work in very low temperatures, such as cooling chambers.
- LOW PROFILE: 1.5 tons, designed to be used with low bed platforms.
- GALVANIZED: Of 3 tons; recommended for applications with extreme conditions to humidity, chemicals, low temperatures, etc.
- PROFILE UNDER SUPER WIDTH : 3 tons; the best skate designed to handle platforms with four entrances and with a minimum height of 50 mm.
- EXTRA LONG: Of 3 tons; Without a doubt, the best option to handle two pallets at the same time.
- OF SCISSORS: Used in work stations when elevating materials to the desired height and using it as a work table.
- WITH SCALE: Of 2 tons; used to move and weigh the load at the same time.
- MULTIDIRECTIONAL: 2.5-tonne hydraulic deck; designed to move goods in very narrow and confined places in which to turn with an impossible conventional skate.
- SEMI ELÉCTRICOS: Scissor skate that thanks to its electrical system can be used as a work table protecting operators from back injuries.
- ELECTRICAL: Feel the comfort of handling your loads without any effort, improve the performance of your operators, especially when handling goods over long distances.

Forklifts and pallet jack
Forklifts, also known as motorized industrial trucks, are an important part of material handling in many industries. Forklifts are also a source of serious accidents in the workplace.
Injuries and/or fatalities indicate that many workers and employees are not using or are not aware of the correct safety procedures for handling forklifts and skids.
The purpose of this guide is to help instructors in the workplace with safety training programs in the use of forklifts and hydraulic skids.
This guide is not intended to cover all safety risks or situations involved with forklifts and should be used as a supplement to the forklift operation manual supplied by the manufacturer.

Hand pallet jack safety
hand pallet jack safety – Occupational hazard:
- Overexertion, for using manual pallet trucks, for handling loads that are too heavy, or for locking the wheels.
- Strikes and entrapments, when maneuvering in reverse near walls, columns, shelves, etc.
- Running over the feet of the operator of the pallet jack when using the machine walking in front of it.
- Strikes and collisions of feet, of other operators next to the machine, when descending the load or when traveling with the pallet truck near them.
- Operator slips due to loss of balance due to oils and other types of soil dirt.
- Drops of the operator of self-propelled pallet trucks, (in a standing position on the platform), by blows or when performing abrupt maneuvers.
- Load drop due to lack of centering of the pallet on the fork.
- Collapse of the load by sudden starts and/or brakes, too fast turns, irregularities or deterioration of the pavement.
- A drop of the pallet truck and the load on the operator, by staying in front of it, on the descent down a ramp.
- Strikes and entrapments in the hands due to improper handling of the rudder/traction bar or hitting fixed objects. Falls, trips, blows, etc., when hitting the badly parked machine.

Health and safety in the workplace
- When using a hydraulic skate it is necessary to check that the load is tied and balanced to the mechanism.
- The hydraulic skate has to be in excellent condition to avoid accidents with the load.
- Do not put more load than the skate supports.
- Always avoid lifting the load with one hand.
- To lower the load, the lever must be pulled up to prevent the skate from moving.

Pallet jack risk assessment
Security measures – Of a general nature:
- The use of self-propelled pallet trucks is only allowed to personnel authorized by the company.
- All the protections and devices of the pallet trucks will be respected and used. In no case will the maximum load established by the manufacturer be exceeded.
- In the case of observing anomalies or poor functioning, it will be communicated immediately, and if applicable, the breakdown and prohibition of the use of the pallet truck will be signaled.
- The pallet trucks will be used only and exclusively for the functions and work of their condition and structure.
- In cargo or empty, do not transport or hoist people. Do not handle the pallet truck with wet hands or shoes or with grease.
- Respect the routes and rules of circulation of the company, use the established itineraries.
- Do not access gateways, elevators, elevators, etc. without having ascertained that they support the weight and volume of the pallet truck and/or its load.

Pallet jack hazards
Prevention of occupational hazards – Before starting to use them:
- Check the machine at the beginning of the work checking:
- The raising and lowering of the fork.
- The pouring of liquids.
- The operation of braking systems.
- The state of the battery (self-propelled pallet trucks).
- The uniform speed.
- In the manual pallet trucks, the correct sliding of the wheels; and in the automotive companies check the proper functioning of the traction system.
- In the automotive pallet trucks, the correct operation of the brake, with the rudder in a vertical and horizontal position, the horn and the counter-switch.

Pallet jack safety OSHA
Pallet jack safety OSHA – Industrial Security:
- Check that the weight of the load is adequate for the capacity of the pallet truck.
- The pallet or support to be transported is in good condition and use.
- The loads must be perfectly balanced, shod or tied to their supports.
- Take the load by placing the forks centered on the pallet.
- Insert the forks through the narrowest part of the pallet, until reaching the bottom below the load.
- If it is necessary to use load entry limiters, it must be borne in mind that if the ends of the forks protrude from the pallet or transported support, when removing or depositing the load the materials stored next to it can be damaged.
- Avoid lifting the load with only one arm of the fork.
- When lowering the load check that on the ground nothing can damage or destabilize it, check that nobody has his foot near the pallet truck.
Pallet jack operator
- When moving manual pallet trucks, keep to the side of the pallet truck by pulling it so that the arm is in a straight line with the drawbar.
- Look in the direction of the march and maintain good visibility of the route.
- Avoid sudden starts and brakes, as well as fast turns that favor the fall of the load.
- Pay utmost attention to crossings, corners, doors, etc., as these are points with minimum visibility and maximum accident risk.
- When maneuvering backward near a wall, column, shelving, pay attention you can be injured by being caught by the rudder. On self-propelled pallet trucks, reduce speed and use the horn.
- When climbing a ramp, it must always be placed in front of the pallet truck.
- When going down a ramp, it must always be placed behind the pallet truck.
- If the pavement is wet or defective, increase the precautions.
- Check that the record covers, drain racks, etc., are properly positioned and adjusted.
- Park the pallet truck out of aisles and passageways, remove the ignition key (if automotive), and check that the rudder is held in an upright position.

Loading docks for trucks: Check that the vehicle is correctly attached to the dock and immobilized, to use self-propelled pallet trucks, it is advisable to use chocks for the vehicles to be unloaded.
Personal protection equipment:
- Security shoes.
- Protective gloves against mechanical risks.
- Mittens against the cold; according to the activity, etc.
Pallet jack specifications
how do you select the one that is right for your needs?
This will outline five key considerations when looking to purchase a quality pallet jack that meets your needs.
Pallet jack fork dimensions
Before purchase ensure that the pallet jack forks are the correct length. Having excess or short forklift length impacts the loads the pallet jack may carry. Excessively long forks may also affect the maneuverability of the pallet jack due to its wider turning circle requiring a larger clear space for turning.
Forks that are too short will may not be able to fully support a pallet when picked up and may become a safety hazard due to the unstable nature of the load and the possibility it could fall.
Pallet jack load capacity
Load capacity is probably the most important question to ask before purchase. If the pallet jack is not certified to carry the weight limit you require then do not consider purchasing. An overloaded pallet jack is easily damaged or broken and presents a significant safety risk to operators.
Pallet jack weight limit
Overall unit weight is an essential consideration especially when the pallet jack is to be used inside of containers or for vehicle loading. The pallet jack will be of a significant weight before any load is added. It is essential that this weight is taken into consideration when operating on certain surfaces, such as container floors or vehicle trays as they may not be reinforced to support the heavier combined weight of the pallet jack and its load.
How to maneuver a pallet jack?
Lower/Raise Height Ability
If you are required to raise pallets, ensure the jack is able to comfortably reach your desired height. Another essential consideration is that the jack can reach your desired height whilst safely lifting a load. The rated capacity of the jack may vary depending on how high it is raised. An overloaded jack that has been raised is a potential safety hazard as there is a greater risk it could tip over.
Pallet jack wheels
Wheel selection is important to not only correctly support the pallet jacks load but also to provide smooth and easy maneuvering. High-quality wheels will also protect flooring when the pallet jack is operational.
Hand Pallet Jacks
The pallet jack is steered by a ’tiller’ like a lever that also acts as the pump handle for raising the pallet jack. A small handle on the tiller releases the hydraulic fluid, causing the forks to lower.
A pallet jack, also known as a pallet truck, pallet pump, pump truck, dog, or jigger is a tool used to lift and move pallets. Pallet jacks are the most basic form of a forklift and are intended to move pallets within a warehouse.
A pallet jack is the most basic type of forklift. They perform best when used to transport long distances either full or partial pallet loads. The difference between a pallet jack and a pallet truck is quite simple: a pallet jack is driven manually, while a rechargeable battery powers a pallet truck.
Pulling is more effective. You must know that the friction experienced by a body is directly proportional to the normal force acting on it. We can see that when pulling, the force applied reduces the normal and hence the friction and pushing increases it. Hence pulling is better.
A pallet jack, also known as a pallet truck, pallet pump, pump truck, dog, or jigger is a tool used to lift and move pallets. Pallet jacks are the most basic form of a forklift and are intended to move pallets within a warehouse.
Certification for the use of electric pallet jacks is provided by the company you work for. OSHA doesn’t require or have a standard certification, but instead asks all companies using pallet jacks to have a certification program for its workers.
The most read

Types of Pallet jack
Pallet jacks are the most basic form of forklift trucks and are designed to move heavy or light pallets inside a warehouse.

Forklift Battery
Its main function is based on storing enough energy to start the forklift engine. Its secondary function is to store the remaining energy for later use in equipment for extended periods.