Temperature measurement in today’s industrial environment encompasses a wide variety of needs and applications. To meet this wide array of needs the process controls industry has developed a large number of sensors and devices to handle this demand for body temperature detector.
Temperature is a very critical and widely measured variable for most doctors and health specialists.

Body Temperature Detection
Body temperature detection is a very popular research topic in image processing, which has also been developed very maturely in the field of general full-color RGB cameras. On the other hand, to the best of our knowledge, there are currently three main methods for Body Temperature Detection in thermal images:
- Image Projection method firstly converts thermal image to gray-scale image and binarizes the image by using the method.
- The haar-Cascade method: This method has been successfully applied in several object detection applications such as the face, animal, and vehicle detection.
- Machine Learning-based method was proposed in, the authors introduced a high-resolution thermal Body Temperature image database, which can be used to adapt methods from the visual domain for IR images.

Body temperature detection camera
In designing personal electronics, industrial or medical applications, engineers must address some of the same challenges: how to increase performance, add features, and shrinking form factors.
Along with these considerations, they must carefully monitor the temperature to ensure safety and protect systems and consumers from harm.
Another trend spanning numerous industries is the need to process more data from more sensors, further necessitating the importance of temperature measurement, not just to measure system or environmental conditions, but to compensate for other temperature-sensitive components in order to maintain both sensor and system accuracy.
As an added benefit, accurate temperature monitoring can increase system performance and reduce costs by removing the need to overdesign systems to compensate for inaccurate temperature measurements.

IR body temperature sensor
IR body temperature sensor design challenges fall into three categories:
Temperature monitoring
Temperature sensors provide valuable data for continuously tracking thermal conditions, and provide feedback to control systems. This can be system temperature monitoring or environmental temperature monitoring. In several applications, we can see design challenges where both are required to be implemented in the control loop. These include system temperature monitoring, ambient temperature monitoring, and body or fluid temperature monitoring.
Temperature protection
Several applications require action once the system goes above or below functional temperature thresholds. Temperature sensors provide output alerts upon the detection of defined conditions to prevent system damage. It is possible to enhance processor throughput without compromising system reliability. Systems often initiate a safe thermal shutdown too soon, effectively losing up to 5°C or even 10°C of performance. When the system goes above or below functional temperature thresholds, engineers can autonomously initiate actions for real-time protection.
Temperature compensation
Temperature sensors can maximize the performance of a system as temperature changes during normal operations. Monitoring and correcting the drift of other critical components as they heat up and cool down reduces the risk of system failure.
Face Temperature Detector
Fever Detection System provides fast, accurate mass screening for elevated temperatures. The system is non-invasive, non-contact, and fast. The system identifies the face of the subject, ignores hot spots like hot lights above and other hot objects on the person, like a cell phone or hot coffee.
A person looks at the camera, and the system finds the hottest point on the face near the eyes, called the inner canthus. Near the eyes is the area that most closely correlates with basal body temperature, so the subject needs to remove glasses and look at the camera.
A face temperature detector is best utilized as the first of a two-checkpoint system, where fever is then confirmed by a second medical thermometer.

Naturally high body temperature
A high body temperature, or a fever, can indicate an immune response to a foreign intruder in the body such as bacteria. To compensate for this increased internal body temperature, blood vessels dilate or get wider, to dissipate excess heat. Another way to compensate for higher temperatures is sweating.
The evaporation of moisture cools the skin as the body releases heat. Low body temperature can indicate intense environmental effects, such as extreme cold, as well as shock, or alcohol poisoning.
When the body is unable to produce enough heat to maintain its homeostasis relative to the outside temperature, blood vessels contract, or narrow, to conserve heat. This contraction is not uniform and affects the extremities of the body first. This results in less blood flowing outwards and concentrates heat at the core, where the majority of vital organs are located.
Human body temperature
Because body temperature is a measure of internal thermal energy, the most accurate measurements involve invasive methods, such as putting a temperature sensor into the esophagus or urinary tract. However, this is neither favorable nor feasible, so peripheral methods are used to estimate the internal body temperature.
A few ways that provide reasonable estimations are through the rectum, ear, forehead, armpit, and mouth. The average body temperature is approximately 98°F, but because there are so many ways to measure the temperature outside the body, measurements collected between these sites can vary greatly. This means there is a range of temperatures at which a body could be considered healthy. A degree or so higher or lower than 98°F can also be considered normal.
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