Solid Pneumatic Forklift Tires: Before you make your initial forklift purchase, decide whether a pneumatic or cushion tire forklift is best for you. Start by determining how the forklift will be used. Consider your capacity and any multi-use functions. Then, consider space constraints and application; will it be used inside or out, or both? Will it be used on smooth or rough terrain?

Solid pneumatic tires
Remember that most forklifts require specific tires so do some research before you make your initial forklift purchase to be sure it will work for you.
Solid pneumatic forklift tires are similar to a car or truck tire and offer high performance and versatility. Pneumatic tires provide a strong grip on uneven surfaces and rough terrain and are popular on construction sites, in lumber yards and indoor/outdoor warehouses. There are two types of pneumatic tires: Solid Pneumatics, which are made of solid rubber and are more puncture-proof, and Air Pneumatics, which are air-filled.

Solid cushion forklift tires
Forklift cushion tireCushion tires are made of smooth solid rubber and are fitted around a metal band. They are cheaper to manufacture and easier to maintain, but cushion tires do not get the same level of traction as a pneumatic tire, particularly outdoors. Cushion tires are best for smooth surface applications, primarily indoors or on loading docks. They also help with handling in smaller spaces, as they facilitate a smaller turning radius.

Cushion tires vs pneumatic tire
Difference Between Pneumatic and Cushion tires: Solid Pneumatic Forklift Tires
People refer to forklifts as either pneumatic tire, cushion tire or rough terrain forklifts because forklifts are categorized by tire type. While it is commonly understood that rough terrain forklifts are generally used outdoors in rougher terrain as its name implies, there is still some confusion about the differences between pneumatic and cushion tires and which tires would be most useful on your forklift.
Choosing the right tires significantly impacts forklift handling and safety characteristics. But before you start searching for tires, see if your forklift gives you the option to choose different tires.
The majority of forklifts have frames that will only accept a specific tire type. This is why choosing the right tire really means choosing the right machine for the work you plan to do.

Forklift truck wheels
Solid Pneumatic Forklift Tires:
If most of your lifting will take place indoors or with light outdoor usage on asphalt, then cushion tires will do the job. Cushion tire forklifts have a smaller chassis and sit much lower to the ground than pneumatic forklifts. Cushion generally provide great traction on smooth surfaces and have along life.
However, with little ground clearance, it’s easy to see why cushion tire forklifts can get hung up easily outdoors. To combat this dilemma, many cushion tire forklift users put traction tires on the front of their forklifts.
Traction style tires will give better traction on rough terrains like asphalt or packed gravel. That said, it is still not recommended to drive on dirt or grass. A big advantage to using cushion tire forklifts is their smaller turning radius, making them ideal for manufacturing facilities that have less space than a warehouse. Forklifts with cushion style tires are less expensive and are much easier to come by than pneumatic lifts.

Pneumatic forklift tires
Similar to the tires on a car, pneumatic tires have air in them, and are most useful outdoors on gravel or in yard work, though they can be used inside as well. Pneumatic tires are longer and wider than cushion tire lifts which is why they are primarily used outdoors.
There are two types of pneumatic tires – solid and air. Solid pneumatic tires are made of solid rubber. Solid Pneumatic Forklift Tires. These are more expensive than air pneumatic tires because you can’t pop, puncture or gouge them as they are 100% rubber. They’re ideal for lumber yards and scrap yards where there is a lot of sharp metal scrap debris and nails.
Like solid pneumatics, air pneumatics work well outdoors on asphalt, in gravel, and in yards, but they can be punctured so you’ll want to make sure your work area is free of any sharp objects before you begin making your lifts. Air tires also tend to give a bouncy ride and thus, air pneumatic users foam fill their tires, giving themselves a smoother ride than the one experienced on solid pneumatic tires yet a less bouncy ride than pure air-filled.

Forklift load capacity
Both cushion and pneumatic tire forklifts can be obtained with almost any load capacity (from less than 2,000 pounds to more than 200,000 pounds). But pneumatic Tire Forklifts are in high demand. Brand new Pneumatic Tire Forklifts pricing ranges between $20,000 and $25,000.
For this reason, pneumatic tire forklifts sell quickly in the used market. Forklift America’s pre-owned forklifts are dependable, good running, quality machines, so you really do get what you pay for.
Before you decide on cushion or pneumatic tires for your forklift, determine the type of work you plan to do. While cushion tire forklifts are ideal for indoor lifting, pneumatic forklifts are better suited for outdoor lifting. But both offer almost any load capacity

Forklift dock ramp
Be advised: ramps with metal teeth can damage traction tread tires. With the traction tread, the teeth grab more and rip the lugs off. Do not drive a traction tire truck up a ramp with metal teeth. The damage will not be covered by any manufacturer’s warranty.
Forklift industrial Tyres
Solid Pneumatic Forklift Tires: Selection the right forklift tire
When choosing the right tire for your forklift, the most common options are pneumatic forklift tires or cushion forklift tires. These two types of tires have significant differences between them that should be considered when evaluating which works best for your application.
Choosing the right tire impacts the handling and safety of your forklift. The majority of forklifts are specifically designed for a particular tire and tires are designed for specific applications or industries.
Before you make your initial forklift purchase, decide whether a pneumatic or cushion tire forklift is best for you. Start by determining how the forklift will be used. Consider your capacity and any multi-use functions. Then, consider space constraints and application; will it be used inside or out, or both? Will it be used on smooth or uneven terrain?
What is a solid pneumatic forklift tire?
Solid pneumatic forklift tires are similar to a car or truck tire and offer high performance and versatility. Pneumatic tires provide a strong grip on uneven surfaces and rough terrain and are popular on construction sites, in lumber yards and indoor/outdoor warehouses. There are two types of pneumatic tires: Solid Pneumatics, which are made of solid rubber and are more puncture-proof, and Air Pneumatics, which are air-filled.
In general, smooth tires give better traction on dry surfaces and can give you more rubber for the dollar spent. If your working environment has exposure to moisture, a traction tire is usually a better option.
If you use a cushion tire forklift outside, traction tires can give better grip and help reduce the chance of the tire “Chunking.”
In general, the answer is no. Axles and tires are specific to a forklift frame and lifting capacity. Forklift manufacturers build forklifts build them to operate safely with specific wheels and tires.
“Foam Filling” is an alternative to solid tires and is generally used to help prevent flat tires when using air tires in an environment where your equipment is exposed to nails or other sharp objects. Foam filling can also be used where there is no solid tire available.
Foam filling usually takes 2 to 3 days to fill and cure. Foam-fill and solid tires can usually be used with your existing wheels. Always follow manufactures specs and the professional recommendation from your local dealer.
You can use solid tires on the front of the lift and air on the back, or vice versa. You must run the same type of tire on the opposite sides, drive and steer axles.
As a general rule, when there is less than one inch from the lettering on the tires to the top of the tires, it is time to change the tires.
The transmission has to work much harder to turn the tires the same amount of rotation, which can result in a breakdown. Changing tires is an inexpensive way to keep your forklift and operator in good condition!
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